Period Pain

6 Causes Of Infertility Your Doctor Might Have Overlooked

4 Mar, 2015
Many people come into the clinic with unexplained infertility, and while the reasons may be complicated and numerous, here are six problems we see in infertility patients their doctors have overlooked.   1. MTHFR Gene Mutation This can get very technical,…
Xmas Dinner

Type 2 Diabetes Can Be Reversed

18 Feb, 2015
Over 800,000 Australians have type 2 diabetes, but new research suggests 60% can reverse this condition. New studies have found the number of Australians diagnosed with all types of diabetes has trebled in the past 20 years – and 800,000…
Stress Ages You: The missing link behind stress, depression & lifespan

Natural Hangover Cures

19 Nov, 2014
Hangovers happen when our already overburdened livers struggle to clear out the excessive amount of toxins and chemicals ingested from too much alcohol. Our blood sugar dips. Our bodies are dehydrated, and overall fatigue takes over. Basically, you are creating…
Period Pain

What You Can Tell From What Floats In Your Toilet

15 Oct, 2014
When we first started studying natural medicine, poo talk was – though an essential part of understanding one’s health – a squirmish topic. Too much information, nervous laughter, brushed off with vague details — that kind of thing. BUT bodily…

Natural Home Remedies For Kids

25 Jun, 2014
Whether your child has a tummy ache, a stuffy nose, or a bug bite, doctors say that old-fashioned home remedies are often the best way to help him feel better fast. These time-tested treatments rarely have side effects, cost next…

Overcoming Fatigue in Thyroid Problems

17 Jun, 2014
Have thyroid issues and struggle with fatigue even on thyroid medication? Here are some of the strategies to help overcome this debilitating symptom. 1. TSH Make sure that your TSH is within the range of a healthy person without thyroid…
Krill Oil Vs Fish Oil - Which To Use and Why

A Natural Approach To Healthier Hair

10 Jun, 2014
It might sound like a recipe for a tasty lunch – avocado, eggs and yoghurt – but these nutrient-rich foods are perfect for slathering on your hair! With many of us seeking natural approaches to healthcare, minus the chemicals, homemade…
Healthy Kids Are Happy Kids

What’s Causing the Rise in ADHD? Natural Strategies to Help

19 Feb, 2014
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) makes it hard for children to pay attention and control impulsive behavior, and an increasing number of older children, including high school students, are now being labeled as having ADHD. Adult ADHD is also becoming…

10 Simple Things You Can Do Today That Will Make You Happier

12 Feb, 2014
Defining happiness is difficult, as happiness is actually a state of mind. What brings on happiness is therefore unique to the individual person; what makes you happy may be quite different from what makes your neighbour or your friend happy.…