Tried other treatments that didn’t work? At Paddington Clinic near Rosalie our Australian acupuncturists get results where others failed!
Hello, we are a family based natural therapy and acupuncture clinic near Rosalie. For more than 35 years our clinic has been refining our acupuncture Rosalie treatments and unique approach to better health that delivers fast, safe and effective results.
We use traditional techniques guided by modern methodology – applying proven practices that are thousands of years old, backed by science and clinical studies. We match you with our team members who have personally experienced what you are going through or have extensive experience treating your condition/s.
Our acupuncture Rosalie clinic aims to ease your physical, neurological and emotional symptoms while treating the underlying cause of your condition, to help you feel good, get better and live your best life.
Free 15 min Mini Consultation.
To understand how we can help, book your free no obligation 15 minute mini consultation with one of our senior practitioners.
How Do Acupuncture Treatments Near Rosalie Work?
Your acupuncturist will insert ultra thin needles just a few millimeters into specific points along meridians, or “lines of energy” which interconnect across your body. This triggers a response from your brain that kick starts the body’s natural healing process.
At our Australian acupuncturist clinic, we combine the modern methods with traditional techniques for immediate relief and long-lasting results. Just down the road from Rosalie, we use acupuncture to treat:
- Persistent Pain and Injury
- Complex Health Problems
- Chronic Conditions
The acupuncture styles used at our clinic are very gentle, being mainly based on the Japanese systems, such as Toyohari. Your acupuncturist at Rosalie knows their craft is well suited to anyone including very sensitive or needle-shy patients, as well as children.
Choose your acupuncturist or find out more about our team:
Why Choose Our Acupuncture Clinic Near Rosalie
Our clinic was established in 1983 by husband and wife team Peter Delaney and Mary Melling, and also incorporated their son’s Joel and Aaron. Paddington Clinic has a reputation for providing the very best total natural health care by our highly trained clinicians and acupuncturists to families and residents of Rosalie for generations.
Looking for a Rosalie acupuncture clinic? We have treatment for just about everyone, from newborn babies, growing teens, pregnant women, male and female infertility, to busy professionals, hard workers and sports enthusiasts all the way through to seniors and the very mature. In addition to acupuncture, we offer a range of services to help you achieve better health naturally and feel the best that you can.
Holistic Therapies

We offer a wide variety of therapies and services to treat your health condition.
These are selected by your Senior Practitioner, based on specific wellness testing and clinical diagnosis.
Your treatment plan may include a variety of therapies to gain optimal results.
Regain Your Health And Happiness
We understand that your symptoms are not just painful and frustrating, they are exhausting and can deeply affect important areas of your life.
Our treatments are designed to help you feel better while you get better so you can enjoy life and do more of the things you love.
1. We work on relieving your symptoms to start moving you away from the things impacting your health and happiness.
2. Get a clear idea of what is driving your symptoms and what can be done to get rid of them.
3. Targeted strategies that aim to get you the quickest outcome to help you feel better.
4. You transition from the relief phase to restoring normal body function so you can do more of the things you love.
5. Gather a holistic understanding of the interrelationship between your symptoms and other aspects of your body.
6. Start building strength and resilience in the body to help you get better.
7. You’re back in control of your health and can make choices based on what you want out of life.
8. Gain better health through multifaceted treatments that help balance your body.
9. Renew energy and vitality regularly so you can live the life you want, and enjoy doing the things you love.
Acupuncture is both a science and an art form
There are roughly 360 acupuncture points on the human body and another 150 in the ear and these are just some of the points of acupuncture. Your acupuncturists at Rosalie clinic are experienced in treating just about every condition you can think of and are best placed to find the answer to your health problem.
A teacher once said, “Western Medicine is hard to learn but easy to practice, and Chinese Medicine is easy to learn but difficult to practice”. Even though this over-simplifies both systems, there is a great truth that lies beneath these words. Western medicine is based on the science of the lab and Chinese medicine is based on the science of observing and understanding how life moves, unfolds, develops and declines. It is not a static medicine or treatment, it needs to change and evolve with the patient and that is the art of acupuncture.
Understanding the point combinations is very complex and takes many years if not a lifetime to master. Of all the acupuncture clinics around Rosalie, we are probably the oldest and longest continually practising, so you know you are in the good hands and you will get the best treatments.
What Conditions Can an Acupuncturist Best Treat?
Acupuncture treatments have been used for thousands of years to prevent disease, enhance general health, increase sports performance and improve wellbeing and vitality. If you would like general information about acupuncture please visit the Australian Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Association. Our acupuncture Rosalie clinic can help with:
Rosalie Acupuncture for Pain, Injury and Rehabilitation
There is a growing body of scientific evidence to support the use of acupuncture for pain relief, injury rehab and improving biomechanics.
Conditions we treat often
- Tight, sore, stiff muscles
- Ligament sprain / strain / tears
- Muscle spasms/impingement
- Headache/migraine
- Low back pain
- Wry neck
- Frozen shoulder
- Rotator cuff injuries
- Bursitis
- Tendonitis
- Epicondylitis
- Plantar fasciitis
- Ligament sprain
- Tennis elbow
- Whiplash
- Motor vehicle accident
- Workplace injury
- Sport injuries
- Repetitive stress injury (RSI)
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Joint pain
- Arthritis / Osteoarthritis
- Osteoporosis
- Post-surgery rehabilitation
- Knee reconstruction
- Hip replacement
- Back pain / Back injury
- Neck pain / Neck injury
- Shoulder pain / Shoulder injury
- Arm pain / Arm injury
- Elbow pain / Elbow injury
- Wrist pain / Wrist injury
- Hand pain / Hand injury
- Leg pain / Leg injury
- Hip pain / Hip injury
- Knee pain / Knee injury
- Ankle pain / Ankle injury
- Foot pain / Foot injury
Rosalie Acupuncture for Spinal Conditions
Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in treating various spinal conditions. It has been shown to be helpful in reducing pain and inflammation, and improving spinal function.
Problems acupuncture can help
- Degeneration / bulged / herniated / prolapsed discs
- Kyphosis / scoliosis / lordosis
- Fractured vertebrae
- Spinal myelopathy
Rosalie Acupuncture for Sciatica and Nerve Pain
A recent study showed that acupuncture works by stimulating the nervous system and releasing endorphins, which are natural painkillers.
Signs or nerve problems
- Numbness / tingling
- Burning, radiating, shooting pain
- Muscle spasm
- Muscle weakness
Rosalie Acupuncture for Stress, Fatigue, Anxiety and Depression:
Acupuncture is a safe and drug-free treatment option for treating stress, anxiety and depression. It has been shown to improve sleep and restore adrenal function to help fatigue.
Symptomatic signs
- Overwhelm / sensitivity / withdrawn
- Agitated / irritable / angry
- Broken / poor sleep / insomnia
- Adrenal fatigue / chronic fatigue / low energy
- Lack of motivation/lack of drive
- Tired / wired but tired / restless
- Foggy head / forgetful
- Lack of creative thought
- Post-traumatic stress
- Poor immunity/difficulty healing
- Neck and shoulder tension
- Fertility problems
- Weight gain/weight loss
- Poor digestion / reflux / vomiting
- Bloating / constipation / diarrhoea
- Post viral fatigue
- Autoimmune problems
- Sugar cravings
- Obsessive behaviour
- Addictive behaviour
- Hair loss / premature greying
Rosalie Acupuncture for Pregnancy, IVF and Fertility / Infertility
Acupuncture has been shown to be an effective treatment for pregnancy, IVF and fertility/infertility. Acupuncture for pregnancy can help to reduce pain, morning sickness, nausea and vomiting. It can also help to improve mood and increase energy levels.
Things acupuncture may help when trying to conceive
- Period cycle / length / duration / clotting / PMS
- Healthy ovulation
- PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, fallopian tube problems
- History of miscarriage
- Stress levels
- Energy levels
- Lifestyle factors
Symptoms that can be supported when pregnant
- Morning sickness
- Nausea
- Constipation, fatigue, anxiety
- Lower back pain, pelvic girdle pain
- Fatigue / low energy
- Digestive complaints
- Stress
- Tight muscles, muscle pain
Things to consider in preparation of labour
- Location of baby i.e. breach
- Stress levels
- Energy levels
- Muscle tightness
- Sleep support
- General preparation of the body for labour
- Induce labour/birth
Rosalie Acupuncture for Immune Restoration / Boost immunity
Acupuncture has shown to stimulate the immune system which is made up of organs, cells and chemicals that fight infection.
Some symptoms of a poor immune system
- Frequent infections/sickness
- Aches and pains
- Tired
- Slow recovery from sickness
- Spots on fingernail
- Low white blood cell count
Rosalie Acupuncture for Weight Loss / Weight Gain
Acupuncture can help with weight loss by regulating the body’s metabolism and reducing appetite. It can also help to reduce stress levels, which can lead to overeating.
Things that affect weight management
- Stress
- Hormonal imbalances
- Thyroid
- Adrenals
- Cortisol
- Insulin resistance
- Digestive function
- Fatty liver
- High carb diet
Rosalie Acupuncture for Healthy Ageing
Acupuncture has been shown to be particularly effective in treating pain and inflammation and joint function. It can also help healthy body and organ function.
- Vitality
- Longevity
- Memory
- Brain function
- Health gut
- Mobility
- Strength
- Energy
- Bone density
- Wound healing
- Injury rehabilitation
- Pain management
We are located just down the road from Rosalie
Here are answers to some of our most frequently ask questions
How Does Acupuncture Work?
Acupuncture is an important part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, along with Chinese herbal medicine, Tui Na (orthopaedic massage) and Qi Gong (meditation, exercise & energy healing techniques). Yin and Yang are the underlying principles of Chinese philosophy and medicine.
Good health is comes from a balance of Yin (negative, dark, and feminine) and Yang (positive, bright, and masculine). In traditional Chinese medicine theory, acupuncture regulates the flow of Qi (pronounced chee), a type of unseen energy or electro-magnetic force travelling in a system of channels or meridians which connect acupuncture points to tissues and organs.
Qi takes on many forms in the body, and is the force that warms us, digests our food, moves our limbs and basically keeps us alive. When the Qi, blood, fluids or spirit are somehow affected, the result is pain, discomfort, disease or emotional disturbances. Acupuncture can affect the flow of Qi in the channels and organs, thereby affecting hormones, nerves and muscles, immunity, circulation and so on.
What problems can Acupuncture assist with?
As acupuncturists all our practitioners are members of AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulations Agency) This is a government organization which regulates what claim we are allowed to advertise.
The following list of conditions and symptoms in regards to acupuncture and herbal medicine is permitted under the National Law:
- Management of pain, stress and fatigue
- Stress and fatigue related to some autoimmune disorders, in consultation with other treating health practitioners
- Management of pain particularly muscular skeletal pain (e.g. back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain)
- Management of pain, fatigue and nausea related to many chronic diseases
- Chronic pain related to depression by managing the chronic pain
- Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy
- Control of vomiting or nausea arising from chemotherapy
- Fertility as an adjunct with IVF treatment as
* If you are unsure if acupuncture may assist in your condition please contact the clinic and speak to one of our practitioners.
Does It Hurt?
This depends on a number of factors, such as the sensitivity of the patient and the skill of the practitioner. The needles used in the clinic are very fine and are inserted using special insertion tubes, this combination reduces any sensation to a minimum so that most patients are unaware of the needles at all.
Do Acupuncturists Only Use Needles?
Acupuncturists use a variety of other techniques in the clinic besides needles. These include moxibustion (warming the skin), electro-stimulation, cupping, massage and Chinese herbs. Herbs may be needed in conjunction with a course of acupuncture to enhance the treatment. The formula will be specifically tailored for your condition, using powdered herbal formulae making them much easier to take.
Are The Needles Sterile?
The practitioners at the clinic use pre-sterilised single-use disposable acupuncture needles of the finest quality.
What Response Can I Expect From Acupuncture Treatment?
After treatment, you will usually feel a sense of general well-being and relaxation. Although individual responses vary, most people experience an improvement in sleep, digestion and energy levels. Some people experience a mild exacerbation of symptoms after the first treatment, but this does subside and will be followed by an improvement in the condition over subsequent treatments. Book your Acupuncture in Brisbane free mini consultation here.
What Can I Do To Assist My Acupuncture Consult?
Wear loose fitting clothing for acupuncture treatment and do not eat a heavy meal or consume alcohol before or after a treatment. After treatment, it is best to avoid vigorous exercise.
In general, a lifestyle, which includes a nutritious balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate rest and relaxation, are essential ingredients for maintaining health.
How Many Consultations Will I Need?
The number and frequency of treatments depends on how severe and long-standing the condition is, and how well each patient responds to therapy. A course of ten treatments will generally provide lasting relief for most chronic ailments. However, some acute problems may only require a single treatment, and some degenerative problems may need on going treatments. You will be given some idea of how you should respond in your initial consultation, and certainly experience an improvement in your first few treatments.
Are There Side Effects?
Because acupuncture regulates dysfunction, there are seldom any side effects from treatment. In a few cases some symptoms may seem worse for a day or so before they improve, this is a positive sign. Usually most people feel very relaxed after a treatment with a sense of well being that may last for days. In other cases seemingly unrelated symptoms may disappear without direct treatment.
Is Acupuncture Suitable For Children Or The Elderly?
Yes, age is not a barrier with Acupuncture. Children respond very well to acupuncture and can be treated from day one on. It is very effective for childhood issues. For a baby Shoni shin (children’s acupuncture) is used which is a form of massage using specially design instruments, moxa and cupping. Acupuncture treatment of elderly persons can improve their overall feeling of well being so they recover from many age related conditions.
If you’re searching online for “the best Rosalie acupuncture clinic near me” you’ve come to the right place. Do you live or work in Rosalie? Call, email or ask us a question via our easy online form and we’ll get back to you asap.