
Recommended Acupuncture Schedule for Pregnancy

2 Mar, 2021
Here at Paddington Clinic, we have long supported people on their pregnancy journeys using natural therapies. Using a combination of naturopathy, acupuncture, massage, herbal and supplement support can be beneficial in ensuring that both you & your partner are healthy…
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Constipation: Have You Tried Acupuncture?

30 Jan, 2020
At our Paddington Acupuncture clinic we like to know a lot of things about you and one of those things includes your bowel motions! We know it might feel funny discussing it, but it is a very key way we…
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What Has Exercise Got To Do With Fertility?

3 Jul, 2018
By Rachel Steward, Acupuncturist. Are you trying to conceive or undergoing fertility treatment? Are you finding it stressful? You are not alone! In this article I will discuss some common experiences and how you can use exercise to build your…
Parents’ Health: How to stay on track

Thriving Little Babies: A Parent’s Guide

1 Aug, 2015
It can be an overwhelming time – bringing a new baby home. Here is a gentle, easy guide for parents to overcome common problems during breastfeeding (like low milk production), the healthiest formulas on the market (if breastfeeding is not…

Treating Inflammatory Bowel Disease Naturally

2 May, 2015
Inflammatory bowel disease, most commonly manifesting as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, affects approximately 1 million Australians. It is one of over a hundred autoimmune Illnesses, in which the body’s defense forces (immune system) mistakenly attacks the body—in this case…
Chinese Medicine

Treating Psoriasis and Eczema Naturally

2 May, 2015
Both eczema and psoriasis involve skin inflammation which can be fairly noticeable. Because of this, many people tend to confuse the two skin conditions, but in reality they are completely different. In acupuncture, we tend to view conditions on the…