What Food Do You Need?

What Food Do You Need?

19 Jun, 2012
If you are experiencing any unusual health symptoms, a nutrient deficiency could be to blame. Below is a list of common nutrient deficiency symptoms and foods you should eat if you think you need more. Magnesium Deficiency: 75 to 85%…
Are You At Your Tipping Point

Are You At Your Tipping Point?

6 Jun, 2012
If you were surfing in the ocean and saw a large shark swim through the wave, it would be perfectly normal to have a very strong physical response. Tightening of the muscles throughout your body, increase in heart rate, blood…
The Healing Power of Herbs

The Healing Power of Herbs

In this age of skyrocketing medical costs, more and more people are taking responsibility for their own health. They are turning to herbs, nature’s “super-medicines.” Many people are already including herbs in their diets, not just to season foods, but…