Growing Your Child’s Mind

Growing Your Child’s Mind

School-aged kids can have it tough. There are so many new faces, new rules and so much new information for your kids to take in.  The school year can be filled with anxiety, dread or excitement. Fortunately there are some…
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The Natural Baby Health Check-Up

1 May, 2018
It is common for a newborn baby to be given a health check-up by a paediatrician or GP but how many are checked over by a natural health practitioner with the different diagnostic tools they offer? At Paddington Clinic, we…
Parents’ Health: How to stay on track

Thriving Little Babies: A Parent’s Guide

1 Aug, 2015
It can be an overwhelming time – bringing a new baby home. Here is a gentle, easy guide for parents to overcome common problems during breastfeeding (like low milk production), the healthiest formulas on the market (if breastfeeding is not…
The Healing Power of Herbs

Herbs For Sleep

There are many reason why people cannot sleep. Sleep disturbances could be caused by stress, adrenal fatigue, digestive upsets, nutritional deficiencies (such as magnesium) and hormonal imbalances – just to name a few. The truth is, insomnia can actually be…