We are excited to announce that our naturopath, Tracey, has launched a new six-week program designed to discover your body’s imbalances and revamp your health life from diet to stress mangement to goal setting to toxicity and everything in between.

Are you feeling stuck, unhealthy, fatigued, stressed, or just not right? This program is the ultimate reset to give your life the change it needs. Here is a break down of what will be covered:
Discovery Session |
- Discovering the bodies imbalances
- Explaining the body as a whole, what it requires to thrive
- The foundations for health
- Goal Setting
- Sent home with a diet diary
Diet |
- Explaining what is a healthy diet
- Macro + micro-nutrient balance
- Customising a diet for each individual, their needs and goals.
- Ideas for each meal
Digestion |
- The role of the digestion
- The role of the micro-biome and why it is important
- Assessing digestive function
- Offering strategies and dietary adjustments to enhance digestion and absorption.
Stress Management
Sleep, Self-Care + Mind set |
- Assessing where the sources of stress exist
- Explaining how it impacts the body.
- Customising self-care rituals and ways to modulate stress
- Offer strategies to enhance sleep quality
Detox |
- Assessing where sources of toxins are coming from
- Explaining the role of the liver and how when not thriving will impact the whole body.
- Dietary, herbal and nutritional support for detoxification
Review |
- Bringing it all together
- Assess symptoms, revisit goals
Contact one of our friendly receptionists on 3369 0045 to find out more or to get started. Your new life awaits!